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Please share your ideas on how we can improve the service, or any changes to the project that you think would help everyone involved.

for example:

Are we missing something with our engagement or the recruitment of buddies and volunteers?

Could volunteer training be improved?

Are there any events coming up that you feel we should be part of?

Are there any sporting events you feel we need to be in the crowd for?

Be bold and think BIG.

The possibilities are endless…. nothing is off limits and we will listen to all ideas.

You can share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions by clicking here.

FUN and Games!

check back here regularly for new competitions and other stuff

scroll down to see fun buddy photos and videos

Your ideas...

(from Gig Buddies participants and volunteers)

Idea / Suggestion
Since in 2023 a they hosted a social event for the disabled Maybe try booking barefoot lawn bowls at diamond Bay Diamond Bay Bowling Club, 709 Old South Head Rd, Vaucluse NSW 2030 and asking about where to have lunch together or nearby next to other lawn bowls club at similar locations
To the GigBuddies team, my slogan suggestions are ‘GigBuddies GigTastic’, GigBuddies ‘Gig-a-riffic’, or ‘GigBuddies Great Gigs For Every Occasion’
Yeah hi it’s Kirstie here again lol not sure if u guys have done this activity event before but maybe a trip to taronga zoo would be nice for a social outing activity event or like the Sydney Australian zoo can be nice as well iv been there before at the Sydney Australian zoo it’s nice over there but I haven’t been to the throngs zoo before so that’s why I’m suggesting this I think that’s it for now Thanks Kirstie 😊
Figure skating next to skating should both be fun As to figure skating to also do together As to next to dancing or also for those that like the idea of not just dancing but also ballet dancing or balancing activities As to also other cold sports like ice hockey
Land-yatching is also a fun & exciting fun old classic sport to do where ever possible On a flat, dirt, sandy terrain or a tracks allowed As like most sports can be done on multiple terrain While not having to be anyway near water As can be done very far in & on dry land
Michael Karseboom
A Sydney kings game or Sydney swans game
Could we go to a Sydney swans game next year
yeah hi iv got a idea for a activity its painting but splatter paint so like paint throwing on a canvas and also smashing things like plates and stuff so in a rage room or a angry room thanks Kirstie
Going to see a Musical
yeah hi its Kirstie here again and iv got a idea the idea is that we can have a little bbq and bring like a plate of food including snacks and drinks and we can have it at like a park or something and also some activites like games ball games cricket card games so basically a little picnic and also drinks as well
Arts & crafts painting toy modelling
repair cafe, social group event activity group garden, wood work
speed dating & social dating, olympic sports, adult social tennis ,lawn bowls ,figure skating ,water sailing, ,land sailing, darts , javelin, discus, table tennis,squash, air hockey, table figurine football, karaoke ,group swimming,group gym pilates ,zoom group recorder music lessons sessions,social groups , clay work, arm and leg cycling on three or more wheels
an event with clay at a discounted price if its possible
Group sport Fishing near the coast a cafe club or restaurant
As activity event Going to a modern contemporary theatre play not referring to musical
Dancing social event with food & drinks along with a place to meet friends etc
My suggestion for another group or social event to possibly attend to would be iceskating along with figure skating possibly while at the McQuarrie iceskating ring if it is not located at the Olympic Park as it can be a very fun and very healthy one to do and it can be a good one to do also with joint people it’s just like bicycling you don’t forget how to do it when you get back on the iceskating ring after a couple of minutes if it’s been a very long time yes you still remember how to always do it correctly after a few minutes
Nalyn Sirivivatnanon
Who do you go for NRL, Afl and netball. Can you please do the chat when I am free please
social board games event with dinner
barefoot lawnbowls ,or ice skating karaoke,trivia ,open speaker microphone pub
Holly R
Outdoor cinema, silent disco, a harbour cruise, scanvenger hunt or outside like around the city A day at the zoo
Holly R
My idea would be contacting large companies, schools, councils, universities, Tafe and career advisors of high schools to help get the word out about gig buddies and I think this idea will definitely help in areas such as Western sydney and shire area and areas where the staff are struggling to find people, participants and volunteers. I think this would help get the word out about gig buddies and help participants and volunteers waiting for a long time to be paired.
Ladies day out , could include nails , lunch , shopping, dinner
Watch the state of origin at a local pub together
Lauren W
Lazer tag for a Gig Buddies social event
Joe S
More walking socials, bowling and a 8th Birthday celebration!
Social event ideas: picnics, outdoor cinema, visit Central Coast as a group for the day, online cook together, paint and sip as a group, visit markets, karaoke, a GB meet and greet session for new GB buddies to meet long-standing buddies to get their insights.
More online quizzes, comedy nights, going to Vivid
We’d love more events on the central coast. A few ideas like paint and sip. Lunch gatherings, tenpin bowling.. looking forward to 2023
Hi GigBuddies do a wonderful job training and matching volunteer and buddies. One thing I would love to see is more local engagement. We love the events that are on offer and appreciate the need for all areas access. For us there is just one thing missing and that is the opportunity to meet and mix socially with people in the local area. We would love to have a social or facebook contact for our local area so that buddies and their volunteers could arrange catch ups in the local area and also the buddies could network and possibly make some life long friends. Also what would be good would be a few speed dating nights - perhaps you could call them 'getting to know you' nights (so as not to imply a dating theme) and follow up with a sausage sizzle and some circuit games like, toss the bean bag, ball in the hoop, skittles etc? No complaints with how things are run - just a couple more suggestions. Thank you one and all x
Elizabeth Gulson
Festival of the Winds at Bondi Beach to be held in September 2023. .
Ten pin bowling

if you came here looking for Gig Buddies Social EVENTS - click here


from all competitions

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10 February 2025 at 1:51:20 am

Shai and Jenna

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7 November 2021 at 10:06:39 pm

shai de vletter-sont

My art

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:28 pm

Beth's art

My art

My art

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:20 pm

Beth's art

My art

Again did this drawing of the White House with gig buddies on zoom art class last Wednesday

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29 October 2021 at 3:33:54 am

The White House

Again did this drawing of the White House with gig buddies on zoom art class last Wednesday

An acrylic painting of birds on a wire representing friendship

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27 October 2021 at 4:25:51 am

Birds on a wire

An acrylic painting of birds on a wire representing friendship

I did this colouring in lockdown 2020

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27 October 2021 at 3:16:12 am

Elephant in magical jungle

I did this colouring in lockdown 2020

A beautiful picture of a drawing I did

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17 October 2021 at 10:32:14 pm

Drawing of the clock at the q v b

A beautiful picture of a drawing I did

When I was bored I just did my own drawings from YouTube

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15 October 2021 at 12:07:29 am

In lock down

When I was bored I just did my own drawings from YouTube

I made this artwork with my support worker using recycled materials.
We painted toilet paper rolls and we made them into flower shapes and put them together. We named this Hope because it represents diversity and strength.

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13 October 2021 at 1:13:50 am


I made this artwork with my support worker using recycled materials.
We painted toilet paper rolls and we made them into flower shapes and put them together. We named this Hope because it represents diversity and strength.

I made these on Friday using fresh spinach and garlic and cheese

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19 September 2021 at 11:33:58 pm

Spinach and cheese puffs

I made these on Friday using fresh spinach and garlic and cheese

What we eat every Friday night

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13 September 2021 at 12:55:41 am


What we eat every Friday night

My Gig Buddy, Bosh, loves my lassagne.  I have some in the freezer for him!

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6 September 2021 at 6:15:40 am


My Gig Buddy, Bosh, loves my lassagne. I have some in the freezer for him!

Cooking delicious rocky road

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2 September 2021 at 10:15:13 pm

Rocky road

Cooking delicious rocky road

i like Australia winning because they got the bronze medal

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18 August 2021 at 12:50:30 am

the video is good because i like it

i like Australia winning because they got the bronze medal

Ready to dive in for my 100m Free

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4 August 2021 at 4:09:57 am


Ready to dive in for my 100m Free

Shai in Miranda

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10 February 2025 at 1:51:19 am


Shai in Miranda

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7 November 2021 at 10:07:30 pm

shai de vletter-sont

My Art

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:27 pm

Beth's Art

My Art

My Art

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:19 pm

Beth's art

My Art

Did this drawing of the Statue of Liberty last Wednesday on zoom art class with gig buddies

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29 October 2021 at 3:33:52 am

Statue of Liberty

Did this drawing of the Statue of Liberty last Wednesday on zoom art class with gig buddies

Drawing with gig buddies on zoom of the Paris Eiffel Tower

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27 October 2021 at 3:16:15 am

Eiffel Tower

Drawing with gig buddies on zoom of the Paris Eiffel Tower

created with Special FX Software, such a great outlet for my creativity

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27 October 2021 at 2:05:47 am

Jamming In The GigBuddy House

created with Special FX Software, such a great outlet for my creativity

I drew  the Sydney harbor bridge by following a YouTube video

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17 October 2021 at 10:32:43 pm

Sydney Harbor Bridge

I drew the Sydney harbor bridge by following a YouTube video

I discovered the joy of pouring paint art when I attended a coaster making class in 2020 and have decided to give it a try with both big and little canvas

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13 October 2021 at 3:36:00 am

Rachel's Pouring Canvas Design

I discovered the joy of pouring paint art when I attended a coaster making class in 2020 and have decided to give it a try with both big and little canvas

Helping mum make Greek meatballs and homemade pita From Anna polyviou recipe.

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28 September 2021 at 2:28:07 am

Making Greek Meatballs and Homemade Pita!

Helping mum make Greek meatballs and homemade pita From Anna polyviou recipe.

A delicious pie I’ve made a few times for dinner

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19 September 2021 at 11:33:59 pm

Chicken and Mushroom pie

A delicious pie I’ve made a few times for dinner

I made  Stuffed Cannelloni

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13 September 2021 at 12:55:48 am

Stuffed Cannelloni

I made Stuffed Cannelloni

They’re great

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5 September 2021 at 11:03:17 pm


They’re great

Remembering times of powering hard and sprinting to the finish line

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30 August 2021 at 4:25:43 am


Remembering times of powering hard and sprinting to the finish line

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9 August 2021 at 2:45:21 am

I love the ribbons.In the Rhythmic Gymnastics!

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4 August 2021 at 4:10:06 am

Rhythmic Gymnastics

I love the ribbons.In the Rhythmic Gymnastics!

At the Miranda event.

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10 February 2025 at 1:51:21 am

Shai and Jenna

At the Miranda event.

28 exhibitions shai make history art exhibition since 2010

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29 March 2023 at 10:08:39 pm

shai de vletter-sont

28 exhibitions shai make history art exhibition since 2010

My art

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:25 pm

Beth's art

My art

The latest in a series of paintings of 80s glam metal rock musicians.

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:22 pm

Damage and Ten-out-of-Ten

The latest in a series of paintings of 80s glam metal rock musicians.

I really Ike this drawing of the land scape in a leaf . I it vey life like . 

I draw it my self .

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31 October 2021 at 10:43:58 pm

Land scap

I really Ike this drawing of the land scape in a leaf . I it vey life like .

I draw it my self .

Adult colouring this was in 2021

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27 October 2021 at 3:16:13 am

Colouring in of shoes

Adult colouring this was in 2021

Fabulous Frida

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25 October 2021 at 2:03:32 am

Frida Kahlo

Fabulous Frida

Idk if arts or crafts is allowed in this challenge but here’s my origami that I made from my zoom in lockdown and the beaded purple letter bracelet I also made🥰

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15 October 2021 at 4:09:18 am

Arts and crafts

Idk if arts or crafts is allowed in this challenge but here’s my origami that I made from my zoom in lockdown and the beaded purple letter bracelet I also made🥰

I painted a Christmas wooden cut out of a cute tiger with an elf hat playing in the Snow this week during lockdown

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13 October 2021 at 3:36:02 am

Christmas photo

I painted a Christmas wooden cut out of a cute tiger with an elf hat playing in the Snow this week during lockdown

Homemade Paneer Chilli Masala -  an Indian delicacy

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21 September 2021 at 6:54:59 am

Paneer Chilli Masala

Homemade Paneer Chilli Masala - an Indian delicacy

Beautiful night for a bbq

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15 September 2021 at 12:17:24 am

BBQ night

Beautiful night for a bbq

Hayes had fun cooking a curry for dinner.

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10 September 2021 at 12:10:27 am

Hayes had fun cooking a curry for dinner.

Made some super yummy protein balls that are good for you with my mum the other day🥰

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5 September 2021 at 11:03:27 pm

Protein balls

Made some super yummy protein balls that are good for you with my mum the other day🥰

Special olympics swimming competition after collecting my ribbons.

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30 August 2021 at 5:17:07 am

After coming 1st in two swimming races

Special olympics swimming competition after collecting my ribbons.

I don't think my dog-horse is very keen for this!

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4 August 2021 at 10:50:40 pm


I don't think my dog-horse is very keen for this!



from all competitions

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6 November 2021 at 9:54:00 am

shai de vletter-sont

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3 September 2021 at 5:11:00 am

Yummy Scones

I made some yummy scones and i am sharing this recipe/video i hope you make some too .

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17 August 2021 at 12:53:26 am

Tahli para rowing

Here is me rowing on my rowing machine heading towards the finish line

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9 August 2021 at 6:54:00 am

Multi talented

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5 August 2021 at 5:50:54 am

BMX Bandito

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6 November 2021 at 9:52:28 am

shai de vletter-sont

28 exhibitions shai make history art exhibition since 2010

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Batman and Robin

26 August 2021 at 10:33:21 pm

High Jump Finals

Batman and Robin in the high jump finals at the LOLympics

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16 August 2021 at 3:17:32 am

Boxing for the LOLympics

A close boxing match between Nalyn Pink and Nalyn Blue.

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9 August 2021 at 4:29:56 am

Coin flicking

Dk if this is ok to upload it on here but it’s coin flicking with your finger

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6 September 2021 at 3:10:12 am

Beef ragu gnocchi

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17 August 2021 at 9:30:57 pm

the video is good because i like it

i like Australia winning because they got the bronze medal

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13 August 2021 at 4:07:12 am

Heavy Work!🏋️‍♂️

Training for Weightlifting 💦carrying my load ♐️ up the hill!!

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9 August 2021 at 2:01:53 am

LOLympics... Matt and Tony

Here's some inspiration for wacky ideas for entering the LOLympics. Have fun and get creative!!
If Matt and Tony can make fools of themselves...


Check out our Spotify Playlists

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ACL Disability Services

125 Blues Point Road

McMahons Point, NSW, 2060


02 9419 6951

© 2023 Gig Buddies Sydney

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ACL Disability Services logo

Gig Buddies Sydney is a registered NDIS service provider and initiative of registered charitable organisation Assisted Community Living Limited

ABN 60114099928  -  NDIS Reg No 4050003928

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The Gig Buddies Sydney project is supported by

Secret sounds logo - supporter of gig buddies
maniax logo.png
Sydney-Opera-House-Logo - supporters of gig buddies
Sydney comedy festival logo
Sydney Festival Logo
Balnaves Foundation Logo
Inner West Council Logo
City of Sydney logo
Willoughby City Council Logo
AGNSW logo
Gig Buddies UK logo
Stay Up Late logo
Jungle Merch Logo
Belvoir st Theatre Logo

Gig Buddies and ACL Disability Services acknowledge the Cammeraygal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of this land, and pay respects to the Elders both past and present. This always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Gig Buddies and ACL Disability Services facilitates a community and social culture that is built on mutual respect and understanding.
Gig Buddies and ACL Disability Services thoroughly condemn and will not tolerate any discrimination of any kind based on a physical or learning disability, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender, age, religion or any other defining characteristics. 

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