Welcome back, party people!
We’re launching our first newsletter for 2025 with a nod towards our February gatherings.

Next month you’ll find us hosting socials in Edmondson Park, Blacktown, Alexandria, Hornsby, Surry Hills, Narrabeen, Sydney CBD, Macquarie and Oatley.
To join us at Mardi Gras Field Day or for dinners out, arcade meet ups, a trip to the movies, the Super Bowl, kayaking, karaoke, or for the return of our under 35 catch ups, load up the links above.
Are you looking to volunteer?
We need volunteers! Click on the image above for current Sydney roles and the graphic below for opportunities on the Central Coast.
If you have any questions or would like more information, contact us via Facebook or email: info@gigbuddiessydney.org
Calling all Gen Z
We’re six days into 2025 already and we’re launching our usual appeal.
To those who may have given thought to (and possibly broken) their new year’s resolution, we need more volunteers.

We’re looking for people who want to have fun, make new friends and try new things - and in particular, we’re looking for Gen Z males and females.
We’re appealing to those who want to expand their social circle, give back, develop skills or boost their own confidence.
If you (or someone you know) fits the bill, all we require is a commitment to catch up with a buddy once a month.
As a reminder, we tackle social isolation for adults with mild to moderate learning disabilities and/or autism. We match adults with disability with volunteers - both of whom share a mutual interest, while age, gender and location preferences are also taken into consideration.
And we emphasise that the volunteer benefits just as much as the buddy!
If your new year’s resolution is to meet new people and expand your social circle, join the team and volunteer with Gig Buddies.
To find out more about our Sydney and Central Coast projects, click on the highlighted links.
Each and every month we invite buddies to connect with us for our online chats.

Our chats take place via Zoom. To attend get in touch via text: 0422 061 990 or Facebook Messenger.
Free gigs
Sydney Festival is in full swing and thanks to the generosity of event organisers, we have a number of FREE tickets to give away to three top Sydney Festival gigs taking place in January:
- Cash Savage and The Last Drinks & BARKAA: Saturday 11 January, 8pm @ City Recital Hall
- Parvyn: Friday 17 January, 7:30pm @ ACO On The Pier (The Thirsty Mile)
- Ishmael Ensemble: Friday 24 January, 9pm @ ACO On The Pier (The Thirsty Mile)

Tickets are strictly limited to signed up Gig Buddies' participants ONLY. To reserve your place to any of the three events, load up the following link.
For the past nine years we have attended numerous Sydney Festival events for free. Once again we’re indebted to the generosity shown by event organisers, and we thank them for their ongoing support.
To see what else is happening at next year’s Sydney Festival, click here.
Out and about
And on the subject of events, this forthcoming weekend we kick off our January offerings.

For the month ahead we’re inviting buddies to join us in Milsons Point, Avoca Beach, Burwood, Brooklyn, Mona Vale, Merrylands and Kirrawee.
To join us for any of our January socials, jump on the links above.
And if you have questions about any of our forthcoming events, get in touch: we can be reached via Facebook Messenger, email: info@gigbuddiessydney.org or via text or phone call on 0411 252 228.
Are you in the market for Gig Buddies’ merchandise?
Click on the image above to get your fill on Gig Buddies goodies. If we haven’t got the size you’re after, get in touch via text Facebook Messenger.
Call to arms
Following conversations with our user-led team, Soul Fly Buddies, we are excited to propose the potential creation of a LGBTQIA+ equivalent.

Our LGBTQIA+ user-led team will be made up of existing buddies and volunteers. The group will have two main functions:
A quarterly online or possibly a face to face group meeting to share events in the LGBTQIA+ community, share stories, share links to services, share ideas and be in a safe space together. (This group will only be open to people within Gig Buddies who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community).
A dedicated social event that will take place within the LGBTQIA+ community, facilitated by a Gig Buddies team member. (This event will be open to people within the Gig Buddies community who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community AND allies).
We’re now calling for expressions of interest. If you are interested in joining our LGBTQIA+ user-led team, jump on the following link.
Updated plan?
And finally, here’s a friendly reminder for buddies with Gig Buddies’ NDIS service agreements.
If you have an unscheduled plan review or the dates/details of your plan change for any reason, it’s very important you let us know.
Any changes to an NDIS participant's plan will automatically make your Gig Buddies' service agreement void.
We need to be informed of any date changes so we can update your service agreement and ensure you’re still covered by our public liability insurance when out with your volunteer.
If there have been any changes to your plan or if you’re unsure about your current service agreement, please contact Chelsea, our NDIS Coordinator, either via email: chelsea@assistcom.org or phone: 0412 145 819 or 02 9419 6951 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am - 5pm).
Matthew: Central Coast coordinator (0402 708 814)
Carol: CEO (02 9419 6951)
Chelsea: NDIS coordinator (0412 145 819)
Tony: Funding and sponsorship coordinator (02 9419 6951)
Bec: Project officer, Sydney (0411 252 228)
Aylin: Western Sydney coordinator (0466 389 961)
Lara: Greater Western Sydney coordinator (0478 045 121) Charlotte: Northern Beaches coordinator (0403 184 404)
Would you like more information about Gig BuddiesSydney? You’re only a click away. Connect with us via the links below.
Fancy revelling in legendary status? If so, please support us in our cause to get more people out to live events in Sydney.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible and all are gratefully received.
The Gig Buddies Sydney project is an initiative of ACL Disability Services.