"I am very happy…."
Every month we share updates from those who make up our user-led team, Soul Fly Buddies.
For July we hear from Nalyn, who tells us more about her volunteering, netball and own personal achievements.
“This year it is my 36th birthday! I will be volunteering at Storytime on my birthday and we will be celebrating by having cupcakes after reading stories, singing, dancing and making cat crafts. On the weekend I will celebrate with a small group of friends and my family.
In May I was nominated for the City of Ryde 2024 Volunteer Recognition Awards. The presentation night was held at Curzon Hall, which was a really great night.
Other good news is that I have made it into the NSW State Netball competition coming up in September and we are playing in Queensland. I am very happy about this and really looking forward to it. Meanwhile I have been training every Sunday and also doing strengthening exercises during the week.

My most exciting news is that I have moved out of home into my new apartment! I have been in my new home for 5 weeks and there are nice shops and cafes nearby. My neighbours are also friendly and I feel like I have settled in very nicely.”
- Nalyn, Soul Fly Buddies