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Volunteer Vault #20

To mark the final Monday of each month, we hand over our newsletter to one volunteer. Today, we hear from Leanne (below right) who tells us more about her matching with Vicky (below left).

- How long have you been volunteering with Gig Buddies?

Five years.

- Is Gig Buddies your first volunteering role?

No, it's not my first. When I began with Gig Buddies, I'd already been volunteering with the Red Cross. It was an arrangement where I would visit with a lady in a local nursing home every fortnight and spend time. I enjoyed it very much.

- Why do you volunteer with Gig Buddies?

Initially, it was a desire to give back to society and do my bit to contribute. And since I love live music, I felt it was a good fit for me. Now it's just a part of my life and I couldn't imagine it any other way.

- How would you describe your volunteering experience with Gig Buddies?

Excellent! The Gig Buddies’ team are all really personable and approachable. The way things are run is very impressive, with so many group events and outings, bringing people together.

Personally, from the induction session and the initial intro to Vicky, and then continued engagement, it's all been fantastic.

- Tell us about some of the highlights from your time volunteering with Gig Buddies?


Vicky and I have had so many fun nights out, it's hard to pick!

We've definitely seen some great bands and performances over the years... from cover bands like Queen, to comedy shows, to themed nights like '80s retro! We both love to have a dance, and also get a bit of a kick out of dressing in theme, if it fits the event.

Recently we saw a band made up of previous members of Mental As Anything, and they were awesome!

During Covid times, it was pretty tough (as it was for everyone). Vicky and I stayed in touch via phone, and by attending the online events hosted by Gig Buddies. When restrictions began to ease, live music wasn't yet an option, so we found some other things to get up to, like shopping sprees (retail therapy) and lunches. We had a day outing to the city and went to the Aquarium then lunch, which was really great.

Earlier this year we won the Gig Buddies photo competition, which was pretty cool! We've decided to put the prize towards a stageplay at the Opera House, so we're going to see Andrew Lloyd Webber's show 'Sunset Boulevard', starring Sarah Brightman. We're both really excited for this fun event!

- What would you say to someone reading this who is thinking about volunteering with Gig Buddies?

DO IT!! It's such a rewarding experience!

I've really enjoyed meeting a broad range of people, who I ordinarily might not have had the opportunity to interact with. It's definitely helped to broaden my horizons and also make me a better person. And best of all, I've gained a friend!


"It's such a rewarding experience!"

We want to say thank you to Leanne for taking the time to share her story.

Both her and Vicky have achieved plenty within their five years together. They’re a perfect example of who we are and what we do!

And we’re always on the lookout for more people like Leanne. If you would like to volunteer with us, look no further: to sign up with our Sydney project click here, and jump on this link to get involved on the Central Coast.

And to find out more about our current openings, click on the 'volunteers wanted' images below.


Are you looking to volunteer?

We need volunteers! Click on the image above for current Sydney roles and the graphic below for opportunities on the Central Coast.

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact us via Facebook or email:

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